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The best moment of the day

Few traditions have enjoyed such an impressive resurgence in recent years as meeting up to have a vermouth. In fact, getting together with friends and family before lunch for nibbles and an aperitf, is a deeply rooted custom in Barcelona and Catalonia. However, the increasing number of cafĂ© terraces and bars have made it into something akin to a religion today. So much so that we use the word vermouth (the drink) to refer to the social event of sipping one at a table in the sun, with a snack and in a good company. Whether you’re having an actual vermouth, or replacing it with a beer or soft drink, “vermouth time” is certainly the best moment of the day.  

Captura de pantalla 2021-11-21 a las 13.51.11
Bcn streets


A touch of Mediterranean

Classic and easy, the gin and tonic (or G&T) is light an refreshing. It’s a simple mixed drink that requires just the two named ingedients. The best gin and tonics are made with a quality gin. 

BCN Gin is a new and exclusive proposal for those who know how to appreciate the best Mediterranean gin. Each ingredient and each part of the process is 100% natural. Extraction of the very essence of juniper, rosemary, fennel, pine, lemon and in particular figs.